This post was made in collaboration with Chase Freedom Unlimited. All opinions are my own.
Saying goodbye to summer wasn’t easy but fall has been really great. This past summer was a busy one for me between speaking at events, hosting many of my own, spending time with dear friends, and making health and wellness a priority. For me, fall hasn’t been just about cooler temperatures and indulging in my favorite recipes, but it’s a time for self-reflection and change as we wind down the year.
If I go even further back than this past season and reflect on 2018, I can only think about how hard I was working on building The Kachet Life brand and keeping The Blog Bloc going strong with quality content and strong attendance to our events. I didn’t carve out a lot of time for myself outside of content creation and being totally transparent, I wasn’t as fulfilled.
Making the shift toward a healthier lifestyle this year didn’t mean that my grind stopped, but the way that I worked significantly changed. The way that my money works for me has changed as well since using the Chase Freedom Unlimited cash back credit card.
Work smarter not harder has been the theme of my life lately, and by earning 1.5% cash back with my Chase Freedom Unlimited cash back credit card, my everyday purchases work a little bit harder for me. I’ve been able to host celebrations to connect with friends, secure a personal trainer, take part in several professional development opportunities, and hit the road and enjoy some of Northern California!
Enjoying the sunset and dodging bees in Dry Creek Valley, Sonoma County
While I’ve been earning cash back from my Chase Freedom Unlimited card, I’ve been surprised by how quickly it adds up. As a cardmember, you might decide to use your cash back immediately toward additional purchases, but for me, it’s proving beneficial to forget about it for now and save it for later.
That’s the cool part of using a cash back credit card for essential purchases. The cash back can be part of your savings plan for something you’ve been setting your sights on. Maybe it’s a class you want to take or trip you want to go on with your family. With the Chase Freedom Unlimited card, rewards never expire so saving it just makes sense.
When the year wraps up and I can look back on a great 2019, I plan to celebrate a year of healthier living and mindfulness by taking some much-needed time off…with myself. I don’t necessarily mean a huge vacation or a content creation journey with one of my favorite brands. I mean time for self-reflection and exponential growth during a personal retreat. My happy place is Sonoma County and I’m looking forward to another unplugged weekend (why wait for my birthday?) to just be present. I usually do not take any devices with me, so I am not tempted to check-in and it is such replenishment for the soul. That’s the vibe I want to take into a new decade.
What about you?
Photos by Christina Best Photography